Session 15(P) - Emerging Pollutans

Prof. Nikolaos Thomaidis, Dr Pablo Gago-Ferrero

Revealing the presence of >2,400 emerging contaminants in raptor egg specimens from Germany employing a novel analytical HRMS methodology

B Thursday 2 September 16:54 - 17:10

Over the last decades, thousands of organic contaminants have been released into the environment due to anthropogenic activities affecting the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem. Raptors are ideal indicators for the presence and accumulation of emerging contaminants (ECs) since they are placed in the highest trophic position in the food webs and their life expectancy is relatively long. The aim of this study is the investigation of more than 2,400 ECs in raptor egg samples by liquid (LC) and gas chromatography (GC) coupled with HR-MS. In this context, 26 egg samples from raptors (peregrine falcon, little owl, great curlew and eagle owl) collected in Baden-Württemberg, Germany within 2005 and 2020, were analyzed following state-of-the-art wide-scope target screening methodologies by LC-ESI- and GC-APCI- QTOFMS. The results indicate the presence of plant protection products (including myclobutanil, propazine, 2,4-dinitrophenol ), stimulants (such as anabasine and hydroxy-cotinine), industrial chemicals (including tolytriazole), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (like methylparaben and ethylparaben) in the tested samples. Additionally, numerous TPs were determined, emphasizing the power of wide-scope target screening methodology. Moreover, 13 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) were detected in the tested samples, with PFOS being the most abundant and frequently detected compound.