Title of the speech: Next generation environmental monitoring data for chemicals management: the NORMAN approach
Dr. Jaroslav Slobodnik is the Director of the Environmental Institute in Kos, Slovakia. He has an extensive experience in the implementation of the EU environmental legislation within numerous international projects. Among his specialisations are integrated river basin management, implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, risk assessment of chemical pollutants and development of monitoring strategies. As a member of the advisory panel to the Directorate General Environment of the European Commission, he was involved in drafting institutional reform proposals for the Drinking Water Directive, Water Reuse Regulation and contributed to the revision of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Since 2010 he was a Topic leader on the Assessment of Chemical Pollution issues in the River Basin Management Plans of all European Union Member States. Since 2008 he is the Chairman of the NORMAN Association – a ‘science-to-policy’ network of more than 90 organisations in Europe and North America dealing with emerging substances in the environment.