Side Events

Friday 3 September 09:30 > 18:30

Workshop: Contaminated soil management in Greece: learning from EU and international experience

Dr. Iraklis Panagiotakis (Moderator)Prof. Dimitris Dermatas (Moderator)Mr. Johan De Fraye Mr. Dietmar Müller-Grabherr Mr. Bavo Peeters Mr. Johan Ceenaeme Mrs. Margot de Cleen Mr. Marco Falconi Dr. Rick Parkman Mr. Sami Kaabouch Mr. Horst Herzog Mr. Pol Tock Prof. Ravi Naidu Dr. Frank Swartjes Dr. Ing. Henri Halen Mr. Wouter Gevaerts Dr. Paul Nathanail Mr. Carlos Pachon Mr. Theodoros Toskos
Room: VR5 - 26(V) Workshop: Contaminated soil management in Greece: learning from EU and international experience

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Soil is, together with air and water, one of the pillars of a coherent environmental policy aiming at maintaining a healthy environment on this planet. Soil contamination, along with erosion, overexploitation, urbanization, etc., threatens our geoenvironment in terms of adversely impacting biodiversity, climate change and the overall quality of life. Contaminated soil management is an old problem dating back to Industrial Revolution. The high cost required along with the complexity of the geoenvironment and the significant political implications render contaminated soil management a real challenge for regulators, industry, service providers and society altogether. Unlike Greece, most EU countries have developed contaminated soil management frameworks, while USA and Australia are definitely among the pioneers on this subject. As a result, there is plenty of available experience to be used by Greece as lessons learned from other countries. It is very important to make clear, however, that all these countries have developed different contaminated soil management frameworks mainly due to different environmental baselines and different development priorities. Therefore, although Greece has a great opportunity to set up a modern and efficient contaminated soil management framework based on other counties’ experience this should be not just a replicate, but a carefully designed procedure taking into account the country’s specific environmental and socio-political conditions. The need for a robust contaminated soil management becomes even more significant for Greece due to the new EU soil strategy.

This workshop aims at helping Greece to develop a sustainable and practical new contaminated soil management framework, while also highlighting the global challenges lying ahead. To this end, experienced international experts from different geographical areas (EU, USA, Australia) and from different points of view have been invited to present key topics, different approaches adopted, and lessons learned by different countries and agencies for this crucial environmental issue.

The Workshop is organized by ENYDRON (, the National Technical University of Athens ( and the NICOLE Network for Industrially Coordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe (

Dr. Iraklis Panagiotakis
General Manager, ENYDRON, Greece
Prof. Dimitris Dermatas
Professor, (National Technical University of Athens), Greece
Mr. Johan De Fraye
Global Head of Environment, Health, Safety and Remediation, Signify, The Netherlands
Mr. Dietmar Müller-Grabherr
General Secretary to Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe and International Committee on Contaminated Land, Environment Agency, Austria
Mr. Bavo Peeters
Policy Οfficer, Soil Τeam of the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission
Mr. Johan Ceenaeme
Senior Soil Expert and Policy Coordinator in The Soil Management Department of OVAM, the Public Waste Agency of Flanders, Belgium
Mrs. Margot de Cleen
Senior advisor Soil and Water in the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Mr. Marco Falconi
Contaminated Site Management Expert, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy
Dr. Rick Parkman
Director, Industrials Sector Environment & Ground Engineering EMEA AECOM, UK
Mr. Sami Kaabouch
Soil and Subsoil Policy Officer in the General Directorate for Risks Prevention, Ministry for the Ecological Transition, France
Mr. Horst Herzog
Head of Soil and Groundwater Protection, Infraserv Höchst, Germany
Mr. Pol Tock
Research officer (chargé d’études) for soil protection and contaminated sites, Environmental Agency, Luxemburg
Prof. Ravi Naidu
CEO and Managing Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), Australia
Dr. Frank Swartjes
Project Manager and Expert on Contaminated Soil and Groundwater at National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands
Dr. Ing. Henri Halen
Senior Consultant, Strategic, Technical and Legal Aspects of Contaminated Site Management, Brownfield Academy, Belgium
Mr. Wouter Gevaerts
Director Environmental Restoration EMU Region, Arcadis, Belgium
Dr. Paul Nathanail
Technical Director Contamination Assessment and Remediation of GHD, UK
Mr. Carlos Pachon
Senior Environmental Protection Specialist, USEPA Superfund Program, USEPA, USA
Mr. Theodoros Toskos
Woodard & Curran Senior Consultant