Title: Separate collection of biowaste: current status of implementation across the EU
Michele Giavini is an expert in sustainable waste management since 2001, promoting best practices in Italy but also at the European level and worldwide. He is a senior expert at the Italian Composting and Biogas Association (CIC), supporting municipalities willing to introduce source separation of biowaste and auditing more than 100 plants that generate almost 2 million tons of high-quality compost and digestate. Through CIC and the European Compost Network, he contributed to the definition of the new EU Circular Economy Package. He also runs ARS Ambiente, an Italian consultancy focusing on source separation and treatment of biowaste and the implementation of Pay-As-You-Throw where he defined the new concept of Know-As-You-Throw. He prepared Integrated Waste Management Plans for regional councils like Lombardy (Italy) and is involved in EU-funded projects such as the H2020 Waste4Think. He also contributes as an expert to projects on waste management in low-income countries and difficult areas with ISWA, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and other entities.